Promoting Your Website: The Basics of SEO

In today’s day-and-age, a website is the essence of a business. Whether you own a brick and mortar (B&M) business and you want to boost your success, or you own an eCommerce store, your website is one of the most crucial elements to your success.

When working with a long island website design company, basic search engine optimization (SEO) is an element that you simply cannot overlook. What is search engine optimization? In plain terms, it is the process of making your website as visible as possible on the various search engines. The more – and the more effectively – your website is optimized, the higher your site’s page ranking will be. The higher the page ranking, the more visitors are going to find your site, and the more success you stand to have.


While it may seem like an intricate and daunting task, basic SEO is actually a lot easier than you might think; and no, you do not need to have a degree in computer programming to understand it – or to implement it.

So, how can you optimize your website? Here are some of the most basic, yet most effective, search engine optimization tips that even the most novice website builder will be able to successfully put into action.

Content is King!

This has long been a beloved saying in the inners halls of every long island seo company, and there’s a reason for that: Content is the butter to your website’s bread. Without it, your website doesn’t provide much value to your visitors.

When working on your website design, don’t just throw a bunch of random, poorly-written content on it and call it a day. Internet marketing long island businesses  knows that careless content could actually hurt your optimization efforts more than help it. Instead, make sure your content offers value. Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all of the other search engines want to offer their users websites that are actually meaningful. In other words, they want their users to gain something from the sites that they visit. Adding content just for the sake of adding it will actually bring down your page ranking. Instead, provide content that your visitors can gain something from. For example, if you own a plumbing company, include content that offers valuable insight about your business, plumbing issues, and why people would benefit from using your website for their plumbing issues.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords!

You definitely need to incorporate keywords throughout your website. Keywords are those words or phrases that Internet users type into a search engine when they are looking for something; for example, “Plumbers in Sacramento,” or “signs of plumbing problems.” Efficient Laptop Recycling Services in New Orleans provided by Reworx electronic recycling.


Incorporate keywords that relate to your business throughout your website; in the content, and in the page titles and descriptions, for instance. However, do note that “keyword stuffing,” or just throwing out keywords randomly on your site, in a non-meaningful, non-natural way, is a big no-no. You can actually get thrown off a search engine for keyword stuffing.

Don’t Forget the Page Titles and Descriptions

Give each page on your website a specific title and description. Specific page titles that include low-volume keywords can give you a leg-up in the search engine results.

Make sure your page titles are unique, and that they accurately describe the content on the page. Also, make them as short and descriptive as possible. The description should also be unique and short, but it should help users understand exactly what the page is about before visiting it.

Use Internal Links

Internal links are those links that bring users to other pages on your site. For instance, on a blog post about “reasons to hire a professional for babylon garage door service on Long Island,” incorporate an internal link to your “contact us” page. Users can easily click on the link and find out how to contact your business directly.

By implementing these simple tips, you will see a big difference in the effectiveness of your website, and a big boost in the success of your business, too. A long island website designer can make certain your site is designed in the most user friendly way possible. A professional can really make a difference.